C4 Trío is an ensemble of three Venezuelan cuatro players formed by Jorge Glem, Hector Molina, Edward Ramírez along with bassist Rodner Padilla. With their prominent cuatro playing style, C4 Trio are contemporary, talented and vibrant. The cuatro is the national instrument of Venezuela – a small 4-string guitar that has its roots in the family of Spanish guitars. It is mostly used in the llanera music, the traditional music of the plains. C4 Trio possess a passionate knowledge of the traditional repertoire – and especially the joropos – emblematic genre with African, European and indigenous roots. C4 Trio has also been able to introduce a new musical vocabulary transforming the cuatro into a versatile and contemporary instrument, capable of appearing in all imaginable musical contexts. Since their Latin Grammy Award in 2014, the group has performed around the world and they are considered the Best cuatro performers in the world . Their performance is a musical trip with no borders that tackle their own repertoire with improvisations that go through jazz, folk and popular music.
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